Wednesday, February 19, 2020

American Cancer Society Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

American Cancer Society - Term Paper Example own of these today is the American Cancer Society, which has been around for almost 100 years, and which today has over 900 offices not only in the US, but in Puerto Rico as well (ACS, 2012; Charity Navigator, 2012). The society, which started out as the American Society for the Control of Cancer (ASCC), was founded in 1913 by 13 of New York City’s most well-known physicians and business leaders. This was no small feat, as should be apparent from how the Society has been operating even up till the present day, but its importance was even greater then, considering how people had lived in fear and denial of the killer disease, despite it claiming thousands of Americans a year. This being the case, the founders thought it best not only to establish the Society, but to further raise awareness through research and recruitment. Going by the Society’s nearly 100 years of service, it would be safe to say that it succeeded in that goal, at least, and on a major, major scale. It is known to be a nationwide, community-based voluntary organization aimed at the elimination of health problems arising from cancer, which it does through research, education, advocacy and service – all of which should be common knowledge by now. Not only that, it also works with other organizations with similar goals and objectives, an example of which would be the Commission on Cancer (American College of Surgeons, 2008). As a matter of fact, the Society is also known for designing and supporting educational programs aimed not only at medical professionals, but at the general public as well. And aside from this, it has also been known for bankrolling cancer research efforts. Examples of such studies include that of Burns et al (1972) and of Calle et al (2002), as well as a more recent one conducted by Krewski et al (2009). And on a more personal level, it assists cancer patients by way of emotional support and treatment. All these can be traced back to Marjorie G. Ollig, who in 1936

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Role of the Early Years Worker Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Role of the Early Years Worker - Essay Example   In recent years there has been an increase in the reporting of child abuse. (Susan Creighton, â€Å"Understanding Child Abuse†, page 7) If a child, is abused in any way, whether physically, emotionally or sexually, then it has a very great impact on the rest of the child’s life, as he moves into adolescence, and then later into adulthood. According to Helga Hanks and Peter Stratton, â€Å"they consider children as active and self conscious actors rather than passive recipients of abuse†¦.† (Hanks, Stratton, Chap. 5, page 8) Those children who have become victims of it are affected not only physically but also mentally and psychologically.Neglect of Child Abuse is one of the main causes of death in young children in the UK, â€Å"with parents and relatives being responsible for three quarters of the deaths†. (Central Statistical Office, 1994) This results in these children being mentally scarred for life.The Government Role in â€Å"Child Abuseâ⠂¬ :The Government plays a major role in dealing with Child Abuse by brining out new policies safe guarding both children and adolescents and making out new strategies helping them to cope with the problems facing them. The Government is determined to make the world a better and a safer place for children, especially those children who are vulnerable. The cabinet has come out with what is called â€Å"Green Paper† for the â€Å"Children at Risk†. (The Children Act Report, 2002) This Report is based on the latest research and findings, with information from statistical returns.