Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Anatomy And Physiology Thyroid Cancer - 4045 Words

THYROID CANCER 1 Thyroid Cancer Nicholas M. Madathilate Anatomy and Physiology, Period 6 Pine View School 16 December 2014 THYROID CANCER 2 What is thyroid cancer, and is it dangerous? To answer this one must first know the function of the thyroid. A thyroid is a gland at the front of the neck right under the sound box, which secretes hormones that affect heart rate, body temperature and weight. It also makes calcitonin, which keeps a healthy level of calcium in the body. Thyroids are made up of tissue, when the cells that make up the tissue of the thyroid gland start to form unnecessarily, and cells that are damaged are not killed, tumors called nodules form on the thyroid thus resulting in cancer. Around 45,000 women and 15,000 men were diagnosed with thyroid cancer in 2013 alone, most of whom were above the age of 45. However getting thyroid cancer is not the worst thing in the world as it is treatable but there should still be more investment and research put into this disease so that less risky methods of taking out the cancer can be found. Many people are diagnosed with cancer each year. It is a rare malignancy how ever it is the most common endocrine cancer (Pacini 2006, p. 787). Thyroid cancer is a cancer that is prevalent in women who seem to have three times as much of a chance asShow MoreRelatedThyroid Cancer Essay989 Words   |  4 PagesThyroid Cancer is a thyroid neoplasm that develops in the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland consists of two large lobes that are connected by the isthmus and is located below the larynx on both sides of the trachea. The gland secretes hormones from the hypothalamus that may be stored in the colloid or released into the blood in capillaries. In the endocrine system, the thyroid gland secretes hormones that act on cells with specific receptors called target cells. When cancer develops in the thyroidRead MoreHashimotos Vs. Graves Disease762 Words   |  4 PagesCollege Anatomy and Physiology II September 18, 2013 Dr. P. Wong Hashimotos disease can also be called chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis or autoimmune thyroiditis. An autoimmune disease happens when the bodys immune system attacks its own cells and organs instead of its normal job of protecting the body from infection. Hashimotos disease specifically attacks the thyroid gland, causing inflammation interfering with the ability to produce thyroid hormones.Read MoreCauses And Treatments Of Thyroid Cancer1656 Words   |  7 Pagesof choice is thyroid cancer. Recently my mother was diagnosed with this cancer so doing research can help me better understand what it is, what causes its occurrence, and what lifestyle changes it will bring. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Life of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Essay examples

Post-traumatic Stress disorder is exactly what it sounds like. After a stressful event in your life including but not limited to: car accidents, deaths in the family, assaults, and also combat; it is possible to develop this disorder. Symptoms of PTSD have been appearing for more than 1000 years. In 1666 London experienced a great fire in which many people, homes and other precious belongings perished. A man named Samuel Pepys kept a diary of the events and of what happened in the following months. He was unable to sleep following the fire and in the diary he noted that hearing about a fire far away â€Å"put me into much fear and trouble† . PTSD has gone from being called nostalgia, to shell shock and now finally Post-traumatic Stress†¦show more content†¦There are people who believe that Post-traumatic Stress disorder is not a real disease, and the victims are feigning their symptoms. These ignorant people have never talked to someone plagued by the disorder. Jona than Norrell was a medic who was sent to Iraq. Throughout his tour there he witnessed many people die. In an interview with PBS new affiliate Maria Hinojosa, Norrell was asked if â€Å"[He] could still do a good job, if [he] could still be a good solider?†(Pertaining to his first brush with death) Norrell’s immediate response was â€Å"Yes.† Although he had witnessed a lot of suffering as a medic, the trauma had yet to affect him. However it did. In that same interview Norrell said â€Å"It wasn’t till later on that it really started to get to me.† The trauma had taken a life of its own. On the way back to his grandmother’s house in Texas, he had a breakdown where he was crying, couldn’t see, and had no idea where he was . In one conversation with Norrell it would be easy to see how real PTSD really is. Norrell has experience great traumas, and had an intense reaction to them; the recipe for Post-traumatic Stress disorder. PTSD can present itself in more than one way. One of the many symptoms is to re-experience the event. Typically there are triggers that will force you to relive the event, like sights or sounds . Experiencing a flashback can be very scary for someone. In the flashback they will have the same emotions that they had when the actual traumaShow MoreRelatedLiving Life in Fear with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder629 Words   |  2 Pages Imagine living your entire life in constant fear. People often experience a sense of fear after living through an upsetting event. However, the feelings of fear, sadness, and anxiety slowly drift away and go back to normal. This is not the case for people diagnosed with PTSD. â€Å"Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can be developed following a traumatic event that threatens your safety or makes you feel helpless†. (Smith, Segal, 2014). Society oftens links PTSD with soldiers being traumatized byRead MoreImproving The Quality Of Life For Veterans Sufferi ng From Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd ) Essay1187 Words   |  5 Pages The purpose of this literature review is to determine the most effective revenue of providing services and improving the quality of life for Veterans suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). To achieve this purpose, this literature review will determine what preventive measures are being utilized successfully. It will display screening tools and treatments that are being used effectively. This literature review will also mention the cost barriers that veterans face. The majority ofRead MoreThe Effects Of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder1494 Words   |  6 PagesCauses and Effects of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) Post-Traumatic stress disorder has affected humans probably as long as we have had a higher consciousness, but it is only recently that researchers, medical professionals and psychotherapists have had much understanding into its nature and treatment. Although this disorder may be easy to describe, the effects of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder negatively affect a person’s mental health, physical health, work andRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd ) Essay1401 Words   |  6 PagesAccording to the Mayo-Clinic Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, commonly known as PTSD is defined as â€Å"Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that s triggered by a terrifying event — either experiencing it or witnessing it. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event† (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2014). Post Traumatic Stress disorder can prevent one from living a normal, healthy life. In 2014, Chris Kyle playedRead MoreThe Consequences of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder1621 Words   |  6 Pages Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a medical condition that many people suffer from at different ages. Most of the people that have suffered from PTSD have done so due to a major trauma that occurred at some point in their life. Even though the trauma could have happened months or even years earlier, the symptoms can come back when an event or the anniversary of the trauma triggers the memory of the traumatic event. Some of the traumas that cause post-traumatic stress disorder are rapeRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Syndrome Essay1722 Words   |  7 PagesThere are numerous different mental disorders that people are diagnosed with on an everyday basis. Some mental disorders are genetic, but yet other disorders come from the things that people encounter in life. One mental disorder that is being diagnosed more often every day is called Post Traumatic Stress Syndro me. This is a disorder that does not discriminate based on genetics, race, age, or even sex. This mental disorder occurs due to events in a person’s life. As everyone knows it is natural forRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd )1519 Words   |  7 PagesPost-Traumatic Stress Disorder It is common for individuals who have gone through a traumatic experience to feel many types of emotions, to include distress, fear, helplessness, guilt, shame or anger. The individual may begin to feel better after just a few days or weeks, but sometimes these feelings don’t go away. If the symptoms last for more than a month, they may be experiencing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD and should seek professional help. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, once knownRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd ) Essay1453 Words   |  6 Pages84.8% of those diagnosed Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder still show moderate impairment of symptoms, even 30 plus years after the war (Glover 2014). As of today, the Unites States has 2.8 million veterans who served in the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, of those it is estimated that 11 to 20% currently suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. As of 2013, a total of 12,632 veterans of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars are currently diagnose d with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (Glover 2014). Of course itRead MoreThe Effects Of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder On A Family1183 Words   |  5 PagesThe Effects of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder on a Family The symptoms of Post-traumatic stress can vary from patient from patient. Most common symptoms are flashbacks, hyper arousal and avoidance. The first article is â€Å"Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms in Adolescent Survivors of Childhood Cancer and Their Families: A Randomized Clinical Trial.† In this article the researchers put together a random wait list control trial. They would have an intervention with the family of a cancer survivorRead MoreA Brief Note On The Traumatic Stress Disorder1568 Words   |  7 PagesPost- traumatic stress disorder often get looked over by doctors and people go untreated. With passing time the fear might go away, but what happen when the constant fear take over. That was the case for a student in a psychology class I was taking. The instructor was going over anxiety and a young man told the class about how when he was in the army. The car he and some of the other soldiers was driving, they were doing the daily drive they accidentally drove over a bomb that explode the front of

Monday, December 9, 2019

Concepts and Facilities Value Chain Management

Question: Discuss about the Concepts and Facilities for Value Chain Management. Answer: Introduction: The concept of value chain management has been applied in different companies or organizations during production of goods and services from raw materials for the final use by the consumers. Value chain management can be defined as the organizational steps followed when adding value to a good or service from the initial stages of production until when its in the market for purchase by consumers. Its main purpose for being incorporated in a business is to bring together all communication aspects to ease the work of all those involved in the selling a product to a customer as well as increasing the customers satisfaction (Lummus and Vokurka 1999). Value chain is mostly confused with supply chain by a good number of people and the two are totally different in meaning. Globalization on the on the other hand has been defined by many researchers as the movement across the world with the aim of making financial, economic and trade communications through an integrated system. Industries and c ompanies are therefore interdependently allowed to transfer and exchange goods and services across different nationalities. Competitive Advantage Considerations Value chain analysis is an important measurable tool or model in many companies globally. In order for a company to be introduced and exist in the global market, the company has to come up with methods of adding value to their products or services to meet the competitive advantage from other companies. This is achievable through giving a customer value. Competitive advantage is achievable by providing exactly what the consumers want for their satisfaction and for a company to be competitive globally; its value chain must be competitive as well. Research done for over the past twenty years indicate that theres competition between two or more companies but their main aim is to always increase production and differentiating the products as well as making them easily and closely accessible to the consumers also by providing support and essential information to meet the needs of their customers(Institute of Management Accountants, 1996). Value chain is always multidirectional; for example the consumers can gain value by delivering the goods and services to them or the suppliers and retailers gain value buy timely paying them and making more and huge orders. Competitive advantage can however be assessed by three different method namely; vertical linkage analysis, internal differentiation and internal cost analysis. The later involves the profits obtained and the costs incurred by the company while internal differentiation encompasses the activities involved in creating the value of a product by the company or firm. Vertical linkage on the other is associated with all the practices from processing the raw materials until the end products reach the consumers. The above the above three aspects are critical in determining the range and scope a firm can obtain its competitive advantage.(Kaplinsky and Morris, 2001). Financial Considerations For an excellent value chain management, there must be very good objective oriented and strategic financial management practices. Value chains are regarded as the most effective models in meeting the competitive advantage that other companies may have. However, this is achieved through sharing common objectives leading to good relationships within the company(Frankel, 2000). Countries financial aspects should be integrated by the international financial systems, markets and institutions to effectively manage the value chain for the end product needed by the consumers. Governments should therefore liberalize the domestic financial sectors. Borrowers and lenders in the international markets play an important role in the value chain management globally. Under the financial considerations, most countries are at high risks though they are always short term. A good example in the short run is financial crisis usually evident when a country opens up its financial status. However, when the r ight financial ideas are adopted and exercised, capital inflows may improve the market system hence improved value chain management(Obstfeldand Taylor, 2003). Toachieve the appropriate integration, the local markets must be made strong by seriously supervising and regulating them. Policy makers may also face a lot of challenges especially in managing the global finance since some of the developed countries may take the advantage of the opportunities they create without taking into considerations the risk or harm theyre causing to other minor companies in the developing countries. Cultural Considerations Most manufacturing and processing companies are located all over the world therefore the movement of goods and provision of mobile services has become increasingly important. Procurement and logistic persons are always responsible for the supply of goods and services to various consumers. Despite their different cultures, they have to develop strong working relationships and embracing teamwork. If all the cultural aspects are not put into consideration, there may be a lot of misunderstanding among the workers. Examples of cultural differences is evident among the two different working environments in the US and China (Lou, 2004).In the United States, most decisions are based on the objective of making money while in China, is to keep as many employed people as possible without considering the jobs theyre doing. This shows that most companies in China arent result oriented and the production capacity and quality work is low. According to Lou (2004) In America for example, the employee s may not get back to work until exorcism is performed in a warehouse they has devils. Whenever one works in a value or supply chain, there are cultural challenges likely to be faced due to global interactions. Americans also like speeding their work whereas other prefers takingmuch time when working in companies for rational decisions (Kaplan and Kaplinsky1998). Different languages also lead to poor or no communication among the global working partners and this may greatly affect the value chain management within a company. Technological Considerations To cope up with the current consumers demand, the market systems have to drastically change to maintain its competitive advantage over others by inventing new ways and technologies of working with the consumers. Therefore firms have to come up with ways of integrating their value chains through restructuring their systems. Technological advancements therefore have been put on the forefront for global competition in value chain management. Most companies therefore have adopted different customer-concentric models to put the customers much closer than before (Abinavam et al., 1998). Internet technology on the other hand has been adopted to promote quick and efficient relationship between producers, suppliers, consumers, policy makers and other partners. A good example of currently adopted technology to meet the customers demand is the teleworking model where a big group of people work together with the help of network and other communication technologies. Its for example been applied i n the telemedicine, a business where health related information and other related services span schools, doctors, clinics and other partners to share and communicate the services or some important information rather than making physical appearances.Internet technologies have also made it easy to advertise a brand, a new product or service online (Curran, Keller and Ladd, 1998). Human Resource Considerations Human resources under the value chain management can be looked at from three different perspectives globally; the labor involved in the production of goods and services, all those employed in the company or firm and their flexibility and the social legitimacy. According to Wright and Nishii (2007),the employees attitude has a great impact on the consumers purchasing power, the legitimacy, flexibility and the cost effectiveness. Employees who are highly motivated are more productive. Human resources can also be given a different view, for example, taking the example of a supermarket; the plot and all the structures constructed are human resources though given economic value. These resources can be used by the bank whenever a company or firm needs loans from banks as a source of security and therefore theyre very primary. Human capital is paramount in every company or firm involved in the production of goods and services and is awarded in monetary terms as well as the acquired experie nce hence high profits. (Fleetwood and Hesketh2006). Small and medium sized enterprises may come together with large international business partners through many forms and this brings goods and services close to buyers as well as timely delivery of raw materials. Product design, research and development must also be integrated to promote efficiency and cost effectiveness. Global industries may also form international partnerships and take advantage of the current technological activities in improving their businesses. However, most of the partnerships between businesses break when one or a number of companies decline to corporate or meet the obligations set under the partnership act. Strategic collaboration provides a competitive advantage especially when the human resource is very strong (Setyari, Widodo and Purnawan, 2015). Political and Economic Considerations The economic considerations encompass the factors which deal with how the resources within a society are allocated whereas the political considerations envelopes the factors arising from individuals or a group of people having legal considerations whenever they are expressing their political will. The policy makers have the responsibility of coordinating trade patterns and making global decisions whenever there is a financial crisis. They therefore ensure that a great percentage of trade takes place within the international markets increasing contacts between companies. Value though must be added at each level of production for their final use by the consumers. Every country has got its rules and regulations governing the firms and companies in their territories. These factors are determined by countries openness to trade. The government plays a critical role in creating, subsidizing and introducing tax and also regulating the minimum standards that are to be met by a company especially in the aspects of environmental and social aspects (Gereffiand Sturgeon 2013).A countries government should invest heavily in creating an environmentally friendly production of goods and services, proper transportation methods put in place as well as communication to facilitate the exchange of goods and services. Transparent and incorrupt public governance can also highly promote business within a country hence value chain management becomes easier, cheaper and effective. Government rules and regulations on the borders is also very significant. (Stark, Bamber and Gereffi 2011).Non- tariff barriers that prevent the exchange of goods and services as well as in formation exchange should also be removed. Corporate social responsibility considerations Most companies expect their suppliers to put in place the corrective action measures to identify the gaps noted during audits(UNRISD 2001). In order to assist the developing countries with specific mechanisms that ensure they meet the international and national standards should be set during the implementation of the corporate social responsibility. Companies therefore are joining enterprise development programs that incorporate the corporate social responsibility component. Research shows that companies only give development programs to their big suppliers and leaving out the small companies simply because the corporate social responsibility programs are fewer in number. But wherever they exist, they are usually funded by developmental agencies and other intergovernmental agencies (Copenhagen Business School 2011). The main challenge is that most governments havent introduced the corporate social responsibility in their supplier development agencies on a strategic basis. However, sm all businesses done at the macro level have been introduced to promote the position the government holds in encouraging regulatory methods to promote the compliance with the least international standards set to be met.The codes of conduct are applicable at different levels of the value chain by the suppliers despite some companies going to greater levels in the value chain to address the problems of corporate social responsibility. Conclusion For many companies to access the national and international markets, value chain management must be viewed as a global economic integration and not just by marketing the new products. Therefore international marketing networks, current international designs bringing together many companies must be practiced. To develop a country and the policy it makes, one has to clearly understand how the value chains operate since they may seriously affect those who are new in the market (Humphrey and Schmitz 2000). Globalization and value chain management is however affected by different factors from the perspective of the organizational networks when its used for analysis, political power, and governance by a specific government brings a lot of changes in the chains. References Abinavam et al., San Francisco Concepts and Facilities. International Technical Support Organization, IBM, February 1998, SG24-2157-00 Copenhagen Business School (2011).Framing Responsible Supply Chain Management - New Tendencies in Responsible Supply Chain Management. Curran T., Keller G., Ladd A., SAP Rr3 Business Blueprint: Understanding the Business Process Reference Model, Prentice-Hall, New Jersey, 1998 Fleetwood, S. and Hesketh, A. (2006) Beyond measuring the human resources management organizational performance link: applying critical realist meta-theory, Organization, 13(5): 67799. Frankel, J., 2000, Globalization of the Economy, in J. Nye and J. Donahue (eds.), Governance in a Globalizing World, Brookings Institution Press, Washington, DC, 2000. Gereffi, G. and Sturgeon T., (2013), Global value chain-oriented industrial policy: the role of emerging economies, in D.K Elms and P. Low (Eds.), Global value chains in a changing world, World Trade Organization, Geneva Humphrey, J. and Schmitz, H. (2000) Governance and Upgrading: Linking Industrial Cluster and Global Value Chain Research, Working Paper 120, Brighton: IDS Governance and Upgrading: Linking Industrial Cluster and Global Value Chain Research, Working Paper 120, Brighton: IDS Kaplan, D.E. and Kaplinsky, R. (1998), Trade and Industrial Policy on an Uneven Playing Field: The Case of the Deciduous Fruit Canning Industry in South Africa, World Development 27.10: 17871802 Lummus, R.R. and Vokurka, R.J., 1999. Defining supply chain management: a historical perspective and practical guidelines. Industrial Management Data Systems, 99(1), pp.11-Kaplinsky, and M. Morris, M. A handbook for value chain research, 1st ed., Canada: IDRC, 2001. Institute of Management Accountants, Value chain analysis for assessing competitive advantage, Montvale: Institute of Management Accountants, pp.1-30, 1996, Value chain analysis for assessing competitive advantage, Montvale: Institute of Management Accountants, pp.1-30, 1996 Obstfeld, M., and Taylor, A. M., 2003, Global Capital Markets, in M. D. Bordo, A. M. Taylor and J. G. Williamson (eds.), Globalization in Historical Perspective, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Lou S. Cultural differences can trump the most logical of supply chain planning. Canadian Transportation Logistics. September 2004 Setyari, N.P.W., Widodo, T. and Purnawan, M.E., 2015. Industrial Capital Intensity and Comparative Advantages Dynamism of Indonesian Export Products. Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan: Kajian Masalah Ekonomi dan Pembangunan, 16(2), pp.107-120 Stark F., K., P. Bamber, and G. Gereffi (2011), The Offshore Services Global Value Chain: Economic Upgrading and Workforce Development. 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Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Gods Of Greek Mythology Essay Example For Students

The Gods Of Greek Mythology Essay Word Count: 1934The AncientGreeks believed in a series of myths which explained nature, set up a moralcode for the people, and were just folk lore of the people. In this paper,the beginnings of myths, the Greek gods themselves, and several myths concerningmorals, nature, and old lore of the Ancients will be discussed. Because themyths and details about the gods were passed along by word of mouth, some mythsor gods might be interchanged or different. The Greek myths startedas folk lore until it began to explain nature and storytellers integrated amoral code into the myths. Many myths started out as fairy tales. As newand more efficient farming methods became available to the Greek people theywere faced with more time in which to do other things. A people who have wastedevelop a culture all their own. Because Greece was divided into differentcity- states, many of the myths are different. The culture of storytellingbegan to involve explanations of nature such as the creation of the hors e,spider, and such changes as winter and fire along with the creation of manhimself. Slowly, as with any longstanding government, the morals and lawsof society leaked into Greek myths in the form of, The slain shall be avengedby Nemesis (a force which causes people to get revenge), or just, Kindnessand humbleness are rewarded by the gods. Some myths were even created tosupport other myths. The myths started with storytelling and developed intoacomplex system of morals and explanations. We will write a custom essay on The Gods Of Greek Mythology specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The Greek myths were almostfruitless without the intervention of the gods. The gods controlled natureand fought their own battles on the earth, which sometimes caused problems. The first god was the most powerful one until he had children. The firstgod is called Oranos or in some myths Uranus. He was the first ruler amongthe gods. Uranus was the heavens and Gaea was the earth and thus they weremarried. The couple gave birth to many different and odd children but Uranuswas cruel to them. Then, Chronos was born as the youngest titan. Chronosdethroned his father and soon after married his sister, Rhea. He didnt wanthis children to dethrone him so he ate them. However, Zeus overthrew Chronosand established the first real empire of the gods. Zeus settled disputes betweenthe other gods and made sure the humans werent treated in the wrong way. Zeus and Hera gave birth to Ares and Hermes along with other minor gods. Herawas a cruel type person in most myths and in one she led a rebellion againstZeus and almost defeated him when he was rescued. Her favorite sign is thepeacock feather and that is her unique sign. Zeus and Hera were the firstlasting god couple. Zeus had two brothers, Poseidon and Hades. AfterChronos had been defeated, the three brothers threw dice for who would rulein which realm. Poseidon chose the sea because there was the source of themost adventure. Zeus chose the sky where he would rule on Mount Olympus. Hades had no choice and took the underworld because he was notoriously unlucky. Poseidon created many odd sea creatures and the dolphin. He also createdthe horse and horselike animals. Poseidon had many children by two nymphsand his first son, Achilles, was greater than himself. Hades ruled the underworldand chose what to do with the souls of the people who came across the RiverStyx. They were judged on what they did in life. He was unloving and terribleand he rarely left the underworld. His only wife was Persephone. She was thedaughter of Demeter, goddess of corn, grain, and weather to an extent. Demeteris a minor god except for the great influence she has on the earth. Becauseher daughter, Persephone, is abductedevery year, the crops wither and wintertakes control of the land. .u8a75409a73986d2d1d2d8a20b0f5c134 , .u8a75409a73986d2d1d2d8a20b0f5c134 .postImageUrl , .u8a75409a73986d2d1d2d8a20b0f5c134 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u8a75409a73986d2d1d2d8a20b0f5c134 , .u8a75409a73986d2d1d2d8a20b0f5c134:hover , .u8a75409a73986d2d1d2d8a20b0f5c134:visited , .u8a75409a73986d2d1d2d8a20b0f5c134:active { border:0!important; } .u8a75409a73986d2d1d2d8a20b0f5c134 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u8a75409a73986d2d1d2d8a20b0f5c134 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u8a75409a73986d2d1d2d8a20b0f5c134:active , .u8a75409a73986d2d1d2d8a20b0f5c134:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u8a75409a73986d2d1d2d8a20b0f5c134 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u8a75409a73986d2d1d2d8a20b0f5c134 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u8a75409a73986d2d1d2d8a20b0f5c134 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u8a75409a73986d2d1d2d8a20b0f5c134 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u8a75409a73986d2d1d2d8a20b0f5c134:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u8a75409a73986d2d1d2d8a20b0f5c134 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u8a75409a73986d2d1d2d8a20b0f5c134 .u8a75409a73986d2d1d2d8a20b0f5c134-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u8a75409a73986d2d1d2d8a20b0f5c134:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Solar Energy EssayThere were quite a few lesser gods who ruledover small parts of nature. Aphrodite is the goddess of love and passion. She was formed of the foam off the genitals of Neptune which fell into thesea. She manipulated men and was known for her enchanted golden apples. Herson was Eros, where we get the word erotic. Eros is the Greek form of Cupid,the Roman god of love. Aphrodite also has a magical girdle that makes anyoneshe wishes to love her. Aphrodite is married to Hephaestus, the ugly god ofthe forge. He and Aphrodite are Olympian gods but have limited control. Aresis the god of war. He rules all war and provokes men to war. He plays a vitalrole in provoking hatred among men. He is the son of both Zeus and Hera. Hermes is the messenger god. The myths say that he was born of Zeus alone. Hermes is vital in settling disputes between the gods and has done so quiteoften. He is the swiftest of the gods and is known to carry messages of greatimportance for mortals. Helios was the sun god. Every day he rides hisflaming chariot across the sky high in the heavens to the Island of the Blessed. He is the Greek explanation of the sun. There are three more godlikecreatures that stand out in mythology. The first creature is a demigod. Ademigod is a human/god mix and because Zeus and Poseidon were promiscuous therewere many demigods. Hercules is among one of the most popular demigods. Hewas the strongest and lived the longest. He was the mythological Supermanto the Ancients. The Cyclops were a menace in many myths and Hercules slewmany. The Cyclops, as a race, were around during the battle of the Titans. The Titans were huge, odd, creatures created by Gaea and Neptune. Chronoswas a Titan. Though the Titans arent mentioned much in the most popular myths,there were hundreds of them who were kept pent up inside the mountains. Therewere many gods and godlike creatures. The Ancient Greek myths had explanationof nature in mind but also the spread of a moral law. The first Greek mythdealt with the creation of the universe. It starts out with an explanationof how the universe was. In the beginning there was chaos. It then talksabout how Gaea was born of nothing and she created the heavens, Uranus. Sheand Uranus then created everything else. However, Uranus was an evil fatherand she and Chronos plotted against him. Chronos took a sickle made of flintand castrated his father. His father fled away in shame. The genitals fellinto the sea and from their blood came the giants, and from the foam againstthe genitals was born Aphrodite. However, as Neptune fled, he said that Chronoswould be dethroned by his son and that crime begets crime. Chronos marriedhis sister and started to have children. As they were born, Chronos swallowedhis children one by one. Rhea, his wife, finally grew tired of having fruitlesschildren. When she gave birth to Zeus, shestole him aw ay and gave him tosome shepherds to raise. They raised him and, in return, she would keep theirsheep safe. She wrapped up a stone to look like a baby and Zeus swallowedthe stone whole. After a few years, Rhea became lonely and brought Zeus backto be the cupbearer of Chronos.Then, Rhea and Zeus plotted against Chronosand Zeus slipped a regurgitory mixture into Zeuss cup. Zeus vomited up hisprevious children and they sided with Zeus. They waged a huge war and Zeussarmy of gods and Titans won the battle. From then on, Zeus was the undisputedruler of the gods. This myth shows how evil begets evil along with how theuniverse was created. .u4fa397dc05a04673d3987c894f39176a , .u4fa397dc05a04673d3987c894f39176a .postImageUrl , .u4fa397dc05a04673d3987c894f39176a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u4fa397dc05a04673d3987c894f39176a , .u4fa397dc05a04673d3987c894f39176a:hover , .u4fa397dc05a04673d3987c894f39176a:visited , .u4fa397dc05a04673d3987c894f39176a:active { border:0!important; } .u4fa397dc05a04673d3987c894f39176a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u4fa397dc05a04673d3987c894f39176a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u4fa397dc05a04673d3987c894f39176a:active , .u4fa397dc05a04673d3987c894f39176a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u4fa397dc05a04673d3987c894f39176a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u4fa397dc05a04673d3987c894f39176a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u4fa397dc05a04673d3987c894f39176a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u4fa397dc05a04673d3987c894f39176a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u4fa397dc05a04673d3987c894f39176a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u4fa397dc05a04673d3987c894f39176a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u4fa397dc05a04673d3987c894f39176a .u4fa397dc05a04673d3987c894f39176a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u4fa397dc05a04673d3987c894f39176a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Literary Criticism A Rose for Emily EssayPrometheus created man and all other animals. He gave all the animals different gifts and the ability to heal themselves. He gave so many gifts to the animals that he had nothing to give to man. Prometheus decided to allow the man to walk upright like the gods and stolefire from Mount Olympus. However, Zeus was angry with Prometheus for stealingthe fire and giving it to man. Zeus had Prometheus chained up atop a mountainto have his intestines be picked by vultures. Zeus stripped Prometheus ofhis ability to heal himself and gave that gift to men. And since then, menhave been able to heal themselves and have had fire to protect them. The horse was not created along with the rest of creation, according to Greekmyths. Poseidon was the ruler of the seas. He chose the sea after his fatherwas dethroned because it contained many unventured adventures. While he wasin the sea, he married a Nereid and his son was Achilles. Poseidon made manycreatures to scare little Nereids. However, his wife asked him to make hersomething beautiful and he created the dolphin. Poseidon wanted land to becomehis kingdom se he began to sink Athens but Athene interfered. There was almostwar but Zeus and Hermes were able to settle the fight and Athene got Athens. This anger of Poseidon toward the Athenians causes all their naval battlesto fight poorly. Poseidon sought a new wife and chose Demeter. She wouldhave him only if he could make the most beautiful land animal ever seen. Poseidontook many days and created many animals close to his goal but not close enough. Finally, he created the horse and gave it to Demeter. She thought he wouldnever create something so beautiful and would then not have to marry him. However, she married him and rode on the horse all day long. However, inthe process of making the horse, he had made other animals such as the cameland mule. He did not destroy the misfits but set them aside. They found theirway back into this world and are the horselike animals we know of today. Thismyth explains the creation of the horse and other horselike animals. The gods control the seasons as we know them today in this Greek myth. Hadeswas on the surface of the earth on business when Eros shot him with an arrow. Hades fell in love with Persephone and stole her away into the Underworld. Demeter, Persephones mother, searched for her daughter and when she couldnot find her, froze the earth. Zeus didnt want the earth to wither and dieso he sent Hermes to fix the situation. Since Persephone ate part of a pomegranate,she would stay with Hades part of the year and live on the world the rest ofthe year. All the time she would be gone, Demeter would weep and snow wouldfall. Fall is caused by her anticipation of her daughter leaving. This mythdemonstrates the power of the gods, the power of love, and how fall and winterhappen. The Greek gods and myths were a vital part to the ancient Greeks. The myths do explain nature and set up an orderly manner in which people shouldact. The myths, however, use gods to explain nature in order to substitutefor pure logic. All the myths have meanings or explanations in which all theancient questions are answered. The Greek myths were vital to Grecian society.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

25 Words Coined by Twentieth-Century Authors

25 Words Coined by Twentieth-Century Authors 25 Words Coined by Twentieth-Century Authors 25 Words Coined by Twentieth-Century Authors By Mark Nichol This post lists a number of words that were introduced to the English lexicon by novelists and other writers during the twentieth century. 1. beep: Scientist and novelist Arthur C. Clarke came up with this onomatopoeic word for a small, high-pitched signal. 2. blurb: Humorist Gelet Burgess coined this term for a short piece of promotional copy. 3. catch-22: Novelist Joseph Heller named his best-known novel after his term for the concept of a lose-lose predicament. 4. cojones: Novelist Ernest Hemingway borrowed the Spanish word meaning â€Å"testicles† to refer to courage. 5. cyberspace: Novelist William Gibson combined the extant prefix cyber with space to describe an online environment. 6. debunk: Novelist William E. Woodward created this word to describe the concept of disproving fraudulent claims. 7. doublethink: Novelist George Orwell named the concept of having contradictory simultaneous ideas. 8. dreamscape: Poet Sylvia Plath came up with this word for a dreamlike scene. 9. factoid: Novelist Norman Mailer coined this term for an invented fact or a false claim that becomes accepted as fact; by extension, it has also come to refer to a trivial fact. 10. groupthink: Writer William H. Whyte coined this word, which refers to self-deceiving conformity, on the model of doublethink. 11. litterbug: Writer Alice Rush McKeon came up with this term for people who carelessly drop litter. 12. meme: Scientist Richard Dawkins coined this term for behaviors, ideas, or styles passed between people; it is now widely associated with images from popular culture that express a concept. 13. microcomputer: Scientist and novelist Isaac Asimov attached a prefix meaning â€Å"very small† to computer to create a word for a portable computing device. 14. nerd: Writer Dr. Seuss gave no definition for this nonsense word he coined and did not associate it with any of his illustrations, but it came to refer to a socially inept person, especially one with advanced academic or intellectual skills but poor social skills. 15. nymphet: Novelist Vladimir Nabokov came up with this word for a sexually precocious pubescent girl; by extension, it came to apply to an attractive young woman. 16. piehole: Novelist Stephen King introduced this slang for the mouth, with the connotation that someone associated with the word (as when told, â€Å"Shut your piehole†) should use one’s mouth only for eating because the thoughts the person voices with it are not worthwhile for anyone to hear. 17. quark: Scientist Murray Gell-Mann, inspired by writer James Joyce’s use of the word in its existing sense of â€Å"a fermented dairy product resembling cottage cheese,† adopted the spelling of that word for a term he had coined that referred to a type of subatomic particle. 18. robot: The brother of Czech writer Karel ÄÅ'apek suggested that he use robota, Czech for â€Å"forced labor,† as a name for machines that resemble and perform tasks normally carried out by humans; it was translated into English as robot, and Isaac Asimov came up with the noun robotics to refer to the science behind such machines, as well as the adjective robotic. 19. scaredy-cat: Satirist Dorothy Parker came up with this slang word for a timid person. 20. superman: Playwright George Bernard Shaw translated philosopher Friedrich Nietzche’s term ÃÅ"bermensch for the title of his play Man and Superman; the word also applies generically to a person with extraordinary abilities as well as to the superhero of that name. 21. tightwad: Humorist George Ade used this term in a colloquial retelling of fairy tales. 22. tween: Philologist and novelist J. R. R. Tolkien coined this word to describe hobbit adolescence, alluding to the span of life known as the twenties (hobbits came of age in their early thirties), but it later arose independently as a truncation of between to refer to the transitional years between childhood and adolescence. 23. unputdownable: Mystery writer Raymond Chandler came up with this word for a compelling read. 24. whodunit: Book critic Donald Gordon described a mystery novel with this word. 25. workaholic: Psychologist Wayne E. Oates coined this term on the model of alcoholic; although it was not the first -aholic coinage, its popularity inspired many similar constructions. Subsequent posts will list earlier linguistic inventions. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Cost-Effective vs. Cost-EfficientFlier vs. FlyerPunctuation Is Powerful

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Trustworthy testimonials how to write

Trustworthy testimonials how to write A Comprehensive Guide on Writing a Testimonial A testimonial is a personal statement, which concentrates on the main qualities of a person, product, or service. It is a way of sharing the opinion about any issue, including businesses and enterprises. In most of the cases, it concentrates on positive features of a product or service. If you are willing to leave positive feedback, make sure it contains three elements: Description of the problem; Showing benefits of the Conclusion Steps of Writing a Trustworthy Testimonial Tell About Yourself Always start feedback with key details about yourself. This will make the testimonial personalized, and your opinion will have more weight. However, you need to adjust the quantity and quality of personal information to every type of product or service. Describe the Problem Proceed with discussing the situation you have faced before you found out about a person/product or service. This will be the basis of the testimonial and will explain how valuable your review will be. Try to include lots of facts to support your point of view but always remain clear and straight to the point. Such facts will help readers to compare how your situation has changed before and after using the service or product. An evidence-based testimonial is what all customers need!   For example, if your company had difficulties with sales, you can leave the following comment â€Å"My enterprise was selling only 20 products per day before using the services of a sales expert. Now they have reached 500 products per day.’ Tell About Additional Options Tell about the products or services you have used to solve the issue. The main idea here is to explain how others failed to solve your problem. The best way to present a company in the best light is to compare it with competitors, who were not able to help you. Based on the example above, you can say, â€Å"We hired XXX, a leading advertiser in the city, to promote our products. However, the number of sales didn’t increase.’ Indicate Possible Obstacles You can discuss any problems you have faced with the previous service or company, and tell how you overcame the situation. A good example can be the cost of the service. Based on the previous example you can say, â€Å"We decided not to use XXX advertiser, which is more expensive than the YYY one. However, they didn’t show any results, and we decided to give XXX a chance’. How the Problem Was Solved? Start a new paragraph by providing key facts about the product or service. Tell what it does and explain in details how it helped to solve your issue. For example, based on the information in previous samples, you can say â€Å"The XXX company used online promotion as the key tool to sell our product. It also used web markets to advertise us and also has employees, who move from supermarket to supermarket and offer products. Since hiring them, we have increased our sales to 400%, which is a significant result.’ You should also mention any specific and unique services or offers the company has. In such a way, you will give them more value. It is a great factor when users decide whether to choose a particular company or not. You can say ‘We were pleasantly surprised to get an extra month of their services for free.’ Don’t Forget About a Personal Note In case the result has exceeded your expectations, you can mention it by praising the company or a particular person. You can even give names and tell that it was a pleasure working with them. It is very important because the employees you mention can be rewarded by the company. You can also distinguish a particular employee even if the whole team worked perfectly well. For example, ‘Members of the team managed to promote and sell our product within tightest deadlines, but John did, even more, devoting lots of time to communicating with potential customers. We are sure that without his efforts, the results would be not so great.’ Quantify the Results If you want to impress readers and to give them a clear picture of what to expect from a product or service, it is important to give numbers. Moreover, they should match those, which you used to explain your issue. For example, if you are writing a testimonial for an advertiser and your main problem is a low quantity of sales, you should indicate an exact number you had before and after cooperating with a particular company. Tell How You Surpassed the Obstacles Discuss how you feel about the problems that you have faced and indicate whether they were as big as you have imagined before working with the chosen company or product. For example, if you couldn’t decide whether to work with XXX because of their high fees, it is necessary to highlight whether the result was eventually worth it. This section is the last one in the body part of your testimonial, and now you only need to come up with the conclusion. Summarize Your Experience In a few sentences, explain how the product or service helped to solve your problem. This should be the third paragraph of your review. You should also write a few words about why you decided to leave a testimonial. For example, ‘When John from XXX advertiser asked whether I could write a testimonial about their service, I didn’t hesitate, because they did a great job and it was the least I could do for them.’ Would you Recommend the Service to Others? A good testimonial always contains encouragement, which motivates other users to try out the service and to benefit from them. For a better result, you can refer to a certain group of people based on the niche you are occupying. For example, ‘I recommend XXX services to owners of enterprises that are only starting their path and know nothing about their market.’ Include a Call for Action Although you have already recommended the product or service to the reader, you can still make additional encouragement to motivate others and to pay extra attention to the company. For example, ‘If you are launching a new product, just call XXX advertiser! They provide outstanding services, and the first consultation is free of any charges.’ Why Testimonials Are so Important Here are only some of the reasons why testimonials are important: Higher conversion rates By reaching the target audience, they can stimulate interest and increase the activity of potential users and customers. A tool to study the behavior of customers Reading testimonials is a great way to know what other people think about a particular product or service. It is a well-known fact that people are more willing to risk their money to purchase a new item if they previously get familiar with positive feedbacks. Proof of success When a person reads testimonials and sees that others have reached success due to a particular product or company, they also want to try it out. They make your product more value If you are an owner of such a service or company, testimonials are a great way to persuade potential customers. Instead of filling your website with watery texts, you can add a separate testimonial page. Features of a Good Testimonial It should be brief and straight to the point. In most of the cases people won’t read a long and watery text, simply skipping it; It should be direct. You should make clear statements so that the readers can understand them at once; It should be original and written from scratch. No copies or generic messages. Where to Place Testimonials To reach a maximum number of readers, place feedbacks on many different websites. Place them on the page of products or services. In such a way readers will see relevant comments at once; Place them on popular websites. This is one of the most effective tools, because such pages have more visitors, so more people will see the testimonial; To increase the conversion rate, place the testimonial on optimized pages; Place them on a landing page; Place them on a home page; Create a separate page with testimonials; Place on sidebars within quotation marks; Place on page with stories from customers. Testimonials for Your Business A customer testimonial is a feedback that is written by a customer, who is satisfied with the quality of a product or service. Such testimonial motivates others to try the product or company out. It helps to build a reputation. Testimonials give information about why others like your services or products. This is a great way to attract more customers and to build a solid reputation because more and more people will share what they like about your product; It creates trust between your company and customers. This can have a positive impact on the company because when customers tell about their positive experience with your services, they give others a chance to know more about your enterprise; A chance to overcome skepticism. Reviews attract more and more customers, familiarizing them with your services and products, and the way others benefited from cooperating with them; Testimonials are objective. Unlike your own descriptions, testimonials tell about the experience of other users and deliver a clear picture of the pros and cons your product or service has; It gives a chance to learn what others think about the services and products you provide. In such a way, you can improve the qualities of your services and create a tighter bond with your customers. You can ask them for testimonials, creating a separate draft letter. With its help, you can also encourage them to share your feedback with other users and to explain how their testimonial will be used. In case a particular customer has left a comment via a personal letter, you need to ask for permission to make it public. Remember, private feedbacks should never be posted without the previous permission of a client; Testimonials can promote your product or services in case the message is positive (i.e. ‘this company is the best’ or ‘their product is excellent’). It is a great tool to explain all of the benefits of your company or product. For example, ‘XXX company helped to significantly increase the number of sales: from 500 to 1700 in a single month.’ This will greatly improve interest in your company because readers would also want to get the same improvements for their own enterprises and businesses; Testimonials help to prove your points. Quality testimonials will surely explain how your product or company can provide the best services to ensure the prosperity of your enterprise. In addition, they will explain why the service or product is beneficial for a particular group of customers. It will also show that you keep your words and meet all of the expectations. It is one of the most effective ways of attracting more and more customers to your company; Positive testimonials will help your product to stand out. If a big number of reviewers will tell about the benefits of your company, more and more people will be encouraged to choose you instead of your competitors. Through testimonials, users will get more information about your product and will be aware of all the positive effects it has. Hopefully, this guide has given you all the information you need to know on writing testimonials and making them one of the most powerful instruments in achieving success!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Formal response to Albert Camus' The Stranger Essay

Formal response to Albert Camus' The Stranger - Essay Example Meursault’s incapability to find any hope in life gives birth to the meaninglessness of his world. Indeed Camus’ hero does not find any meaning and joy in life, simply because he is an inertia-affected person; and because he cannot muster the quantum of joy and pleasure from life. Meursault’s lack of hope and, at least, his failure to extract it from life evolves from a sense of inevitability and inescapability of the reality of this world. This reality is either the inescapable reality of death or the reality of any ordeal situation. Meursault’s lack of hope and his failure to extract any meaning from life are the consequences of his obsession with inevitability of death. He realizes that since all men will die inevitably, they are all alike. But this realization makes him more passive and inert both mentally and physically. He cannot feel the necessity of a mother as well as a lover. Therefore he does not have any emotional attachment to his mother and also lover Marie. This lack of emotion is vivid in his reaction to his mother death. Even the telegram bearing the message of his mother death is not worthy of much attention. This disinterestedness to his mother’s is revealed in his indifferent description, as he says, â€Å"Maman died today. Or yesterday maybe, I don’t know. I got a telegram from the home: â€Å"Mother deceased. Funeral tomorrow, Faithfully yours† That doesn’t mean anything. Maybe it was yesterday.† (Chapter 1, Part 1) Indeed this lack of hope evolves also from Meursault’s incapability to reason. Meursault kills Raymond’s mistress’s brother without thinking of what death means to others. He cannot think of others in his world because he is extremely self-oriented. This self-orientation or self obsession can also be perceived in his sexual activities that are void of any emotion like love. His

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Integrated Marketing Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Integrated Marketing Communication - Essay Example The promotional strategies used by the companies are essential to communicate with the target customers regarding the products that are launched by the company. The study aims at evaluating the importance of salesperson in an organization and also to understand the effectiveness of advertising a product. The research offers a scope to develop a policy in order to remain ethical in the advertising practices of a company. A good salesmanship is necessary for a company to promote its goods and services that have been newly launched and to create awareness among the buyers regarding the invention (Holm, 2006). A good salesmanship involves maintaining a good relationship with the customers so that the customers develop a brand loyalty for the product. The personality of the salesman should be such that they are successful in convincing the customers to purchase the products and also to visit the outlets regularly. The process of advertising facilitates the personal selling and the responsibility of the sales person becomes easier in case the customers have the knowledge regarding the product (Reid, 2005). The personality of the salesman helps in attracting new customers and enhancing the goodwill of the company. A more knowledgeable sale person is an ultimate requirement of the company and it also increases the possibility of bringing success to the company. The type of sales promotion varies based on the products that are launched in the international market. For example, Maruti Suzuki has launched a new model of car that is highly fuel efficient and it would be beneficial for the customers. However, for carrying out the promotional activities, the company has to train the salesperson regarding the features of the new model.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

What Criticisms of 19th Century Life Is Dickens Making in the Novel Great Expectations Essay Example for Free

What Criticisms of 19th Century Life Is Dickens Making in the Novel Great Expectations Essay Charles Dickens wrote the novel Great Expectations in 1861. He originally wrote it as weekly instalments for a magazine called ‘All the year round. ’ In the novel he criticised many things about 19th century life, for example, the importance of being a gentleman and social status, crime and punishment, childhood and last but not least the role of women. Charles Dickens was born on 7th February, 1812, and spent the first nine years of his life living in the coastal regions of Kent. Dickens’s father, John, was a kind and likable man, but he was hopeless with money and piled up tremendous debts throughout his life. When Dickens was nine, his family moved to London and when he was twelve, his father was arrested and taken to prison for unpaid debts. Dickens’s mother moved his seven brothers and sisters into prison with their father, but she arranged for the young Dickens to live alone outside the prison and work with other children pasting labels on bottles in a blacking warehouse. Dickens found the three months he spent apart from his family highly traumatic. Not only was the job itself miserable, but he considered himself too good for it, earning the contempt of the other children. After his father was released from prison, Dickens returned to school. He eventually became a law clerk, then a court reporter, and finally a novelist. Many of the events from Dickens’s early life are mirrored in Great Expectations, which, apart from David Copperfield, is his most autobiographical novel. Pip, the novel’s hero lives in the marsh country, works at a job he hates, considers himself too good for his surroundings, and experiences material success in London at a very early age, exactly as Dickens himself did. In addition, one of the novel’s most appealing characters, Wemmick, is a law clerk, and the law, justice, and the courts are all important components of the story. In Victorian society, a gentleman was a person of upper or middle class. Usually, one was born into being a part of the gentry as it was almost impossible to move up the social hierarchy. Being a part of this elite sector of the class system is what Dickens explores and in doing so exploits the ambiguity of the term ‘gentleman’ and the complications as to what makes a man become gentleman. One of the major criticisms of 19th century life in the novel is the need to distinguish between social prestige and moral worth. Dickens explores this theme by questioning ideas about the nature of a gentleman. Pip is central to this theme, as he represents the link between the social classes. He is the village boy who becomes a gentleman with the help of a criminal. However, the contrasting view given through Herbert Pocket and his father shows us that ‘no man who was not a true gentleman at heart, ever was, since the world began, a true gentleman in manner. Although Herbert has very little money, he is unquestionably a gentleman, both in the social sense, as he is well-born and has received an upper-class education, and in the moral sense, as he teaches Pip table manners, and, by example, that manners are meaningless unless they derive from sound moral principles. This is also illustrated through Compeyson, Miss Havershams lover, who possessed a superficial elegance that blinded people to his real nature. ‘He’s a gentleman, if you please, this villain’. Drummle is yet another example of an exaggerated type of gentleman. Although he has inherited money, and great expectations, he has no moral standards and remains idle, proud, reserved and suspicious. Dickens saw two sorts of gentlemen, Joe Gargery, who is a simple and hardworking blacksmith. He is also humble and kind. This was illustrated when he claimed that his father who was also a blacksmith ‘What sume’er the failings on his part, remember reader he were that good in his heart. ’ However, Drummle defined through his knowledge of social etiquette, the extent of his education, appearance and income. Dickens showed in his novel that one does not need to be wealthy and educated to be a gentleman. Crime and punishment is a key theme in ‘Great Expectations’ which is linked closely to justice and injustice. Pip is introduced to crime and criminals very early on when he is confronted with Magwitch on the marshes. This encounter compels Pip to steal from his own family, the iron file and the pork pie. So the first crime we see committed is by Pip, which is significant because the book is centred around crime and how Pip gets more and more involved. When Magwitch is caught, he is taken to the prison hulk where Pip got an insight into the justice system and saw how the prisoners were treated. Dickenss dissatisfaction with the prison system is evident when Wemmick is giving Pip a walking tour through the streets of London. Further evidence of Dickens concern can be found in Pips reaction to the Debtors Door of Newgate Prison, in which culprits came to be hanged. Using Pip as a vessel to express his latent views of criminals, Dickens expresses his deep-rooted memories of poverty and a father sentenced to debtors prison. This contradicts the fact that in real life, Dickens ‘believed’ the ‘model prisons’ to be too lenient to their inmates and extolled instead the virtues of hard and unrewarding labour, a regime which relied more upon punishment than moral improvement. This suggests that in real life, Dickens felt that it was more important to focus on the punishment of criminals, rather than giving them a second chance to redeem themselves. Further evidence of Dickenss concern for maximum punishment can be found in this statement regarding the punishment of a local street ruffian: ‘I would have his back scarified often and deep’. This attitude most likely stems from the fact that Dickens legal training gave him a far stricter outlook on prisoners. Dickens is often credited for being influential in the passing of the Capital Punishment Act of 1868, which banned public executions The reason Dickens was against public executions was because he felt they only made people sympathize too much with murderer, rather than the victim. Dickens paints an extremely vivid picture of childhood through the eyes and mind of Pip and sees the world through the eyes of a child. This was possible because Dickens understood the thoughts and feelings of children and applied this to Pips every thought and action when he wrote the novel. Dickens had an obvious gift for creating child characters in his works. The word ‘pip’ itself refers to a seed from a plant. Seeds need to be nurtured if they are to grow and flourish. In order to understand both Dickens talent and his compulsion to write about children it important to realize that through the characters in his novels he took up the plight of all children. In Dickens view of childhood, he felt that children have certain needs, for example, guidance in a nurturing home, to be free from emotional and physical abuse, to have a good education, and to be allowed to use their imaginations and as in the novel, Pip’s father figure, Joe Gargery had to work hard like his father before him and did not get an education. The phrase ‘brought up by hand’ implied emotional and physical abuse and yet it was meant to care and love in a very harsh way. In order for children to succeed in life he felt these needs must be met. Through his portrayal of child characters in the novel, Great Expectations, Dickens demonstrates how adults rarely, nor adequately provided for these particular needs that children have. In Great Expectations one can see how the women who fit Dickens ideas were rewarded with happy lives, usually in the form of marriage. Like in the case of Biddy, she was a nurse to a maimed Mrs. Joe and was the epitome of domesticity. She was later rewarded with a happy life by her marriage to Joe. Dickens imagines two types of women, subordinate and insubordinate, and rewards women according to their ability to render domestic harmony On the other hand, the women who did not conform to these ideas were punished in one way or another. Even though not all of Dickens attitudes reflected what was typical of the period, many did. Great Expectations is a reflection of those attitudes that were most likely encouraged by the women in his life. He believed as many did during the Victorian period that the womans place was in the home. Women were the caregivers of the world. Their lives were supposed to be centred on their family, for example, characters like Biddy and Clara Barley play the part of a natural, motherly type. Biddy takes over caring for Joe and Pip after Mrs. Joe is attacked by Orlick and dies soon after. Biddy, like Pip, is an orphan. She was the one that taught Pip to read and later taught Joe. Great Expectations is set in early Victorian England, a time when great social changes were sweeping the nation. The Industrial Revolution of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries had transformed the social andscape, enabling capitalists and manufacturers to amass huge fortunes. Although social class was no longer entirely dependent on the circumstances of one’s birth, the divisions between rich and poor remained nearly as wide as ever. Throughout England, the manners of the upper class were very strict and conservative: gentlemen and ladies were expected to have thorough classical educations and to behave appropriately in innumerable social situations These criticisms as defined by Dickens in his novel were felt in almost every facet of Great Expectations. Pip’s sudden rise from country labourer to city gentleman forces him to move from one social extreme to another while dealing with the strict rules and expectations that governed Victorian England. Ironically, this novel about the desire for wealth and social advancement was written partially out of economic necessity. He also portrays characters caught up by social forces primarily via lower-class conditions but which usually steer them to tragic ends beyond their control.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Human Trafficking Essay -- forced labor, sex trafficking, debt labor

Introduction Human trafficking is phrase that is used to describe the various ways in which a person â€Å"obtains or holds another person in compelled service† (U.S. Department of State, 2011, p. 9). There are several categories of human trafficking, such as forced labor, sex trafficking, and bond or debt labor. Human trafficking can affect adults and children, with the trafficking in children for sex being particularly egregious (p. 9-11). Human trafficking frequently goes unnoticed, and victims often blame themselves for their problems and therefore are unlikely to self-report (Office for Victims of Crime, n.d.). Although many might think of this is a third world problem, human trafficking occurs in every country in the world, including the United States. It is believed about 600,000 to 800,000 victims of human trafficking cross boarders each year, and somewhere around 15,000 of them are brought to the U.S. (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2004). Countries are ranked in a tiered system by the State Department, with Tier 1 countries being the most proactive towards recognizing, preventing, and prosecuting these crimes, and are required to report incident numbers annually. As of 2010, Tier 1 countries reported a total of 6,017 prosecutions for human trafficking, with 3619 resulting in convictions. But more importantly, Tier 1 countries identified an astounding 33,113 number of human trafficking victims during that same year (U.S. Department of State, 2011, p. 38). Myths and Misconceptions There are a variety of misconceptions held by the public about human trafficking crimes that can hinder discovery. Many people believe only foreigners can be victims of this crime, but in truth anyone from any nationality ... ...Victims of Crime. (n.d.). Anti-human trafficking task force strategy and operations e-guide. Retrieved from Polaris Project. (2006). Common myths and misconceptions about human trafficking in the U.S. Retrieved from myths-and-misconceptions.pdf. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2004). Human trafficking fact sheet. Retrieved from U.S. Department of State. (2011, June). Trafficking in persons report: Introductory manual. Retrieved from Warren, V. (2008, October 30). Nude photos, massage lead to indictments. Dayton Daily News. Retrieved from

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Philosophy: “Explain the Differences Between Plato and Aristotle’s View of Reality”.

Plato imagined that there existed an ideal or perfect world beyond our own physical earth. Our earthly world is full of unevenness, imperfections, and impurities which have been copied from the true ideal world which is beyond us. Plato further believed that our physical world and its Forms participate or imitate the real Forms in a disorderly way. He claimed that there was a relationship between the realm of Forms and our world. This relationship revealed to us mortals the forms and brought order to life. Aristotle objected to Plato’s view, arguing that one cannot know the type of interaction which is occurring between the two Forms.If the â€Å"real or ideal forms† are eternal, pure and unchanging then how do they relate to the material objections or Forms on earth with all their physical imperfections? This participation or imitation link between the real and the imaginary (which Plato claimed existed) is erroneous thinking as no one can/has established such a link à ¢â‚¬â€œ real or otherwise. And even if a link is established it fails to explain all the Forms in the material world. At some point Plato fails to explain how this greater Form was controlled- how can Form control things?Was there energy in â€Å"Forms†? Aristotle’s assumption of the Theory of Forms was intimately integrated with his belief that we develop some type of biological and scientific wisdom of a primary substance (be it plant, animal, rock, etc) only when we know what are usually called its â€Å"causes. † The Greek word, aitia, which is translated as â€Å"causes,† is probably better rendered as â€Å"that which explains. † What that means is that our knowledge of something only occurs once we have ascertained why the â€Å"thing† is there and what its uses are (the primitive scientific method).Thus, if the essence of being a humanoid includes being a biped, we are able to explain our two legs by appeal to the form of humanness w hich is in us. So knowledge of the form or essence is in effect knowledge of the thing’s causes, of what explains why it is what it is. In this way Aristotle’s theory of knowledge was integrated with his metaphysics or scientific method. Thus, if the essence of being a humanoid includes being a biped, we are able to explain our two legs by appeal to the form of humanness which is in us. So knowledge of the form or essence is in effect knowledge of the thing’s causes, of what explains why it is what it is.In this way Aristotle’s theory of knowledge was integrated with his metaphysics or scientific method. Plato postulated that once the humans rose above their physical environment, they would understand the Forms which were present in the invisible world. Whether he meant this would occur after death or during life remains a mystery. Aristotle on the other hand believed that everything was right here on earth and one could find the Form if one developed a s cientific method to apprehend it . I believe the Forms which Plato believed in were not real.He claims that what we see on earth are mimics of the real thing, only with a lot of imperfections. In his Allegory of the Cave, outlined in The Republic, he called mimics artificial replicas of the real thing. In real life all that is seen is an illusion (smoke) of the real thing. On the other hand, Aristotle believed that our natural world itself was real and physical. Aristotle, having studied some biological and physical phenomenon during his work as a teacher, came to understand that our world was made up of many natural Forms, even though not all of the Forms were ideal, pure or perfect.He argued that with our sense(s) we could identify all the natural Forms on earth. The big question which Aristotle and everyone else asked about Plato’s theory of Forms was ‘what are the two separate realms and what do they mean and how do they explain life as it is? ’ No matter how one analyses Plato’s theory, I would argue it simply fails to explain our physical world, its evolution and the order of things. Why some things are permanent remains a central question in his philosophy. How was the knowledge about our own world derived from the â€Å"ideal Forms†?One can understand that genetic traits can be passed on to future generations of humans and animals, but how does this information pass on to inanimate objects like the stone, rock, sand or water? How could these physical properties with no â€Å"Brain† understand the ideal world? I can understand that perhaps some humans may have ESP and perceive (with a lot of good luck) the past or the future, but how can a rock know that it was a rock in the ideal world first and now is a manifestation of the rock in our world?

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Ethical Dilemmas and Decisions Essay

5 Ethical Dilemmas You live next door to an Arab family, and you hear the husband talking negatively about the United States. Your friends at work tell you that you should report him to the police because he might be a terrorist. What would you do? Why? Georgia says that she would observe the man and the house to watch and take notes on what was going on and if her suspicions went further she would call the police. But I personally believe that I would go ahead and report what I had heard that way when I do find more evidence I can turn it in to the police so they have evidence against him instead of just going on one mishap that they know of. You are a prison guard supervising a tier. One of the inmates comes to you and asks a favor. Because he is a troublemaker, his mail privileges have been taken away. He wants you to mail a letter for him. You figure it’s not such a big deal; besides, you know he could make your job easier by keeping the other inmates on the tier in line. What would you tell him. Josh would tell him he needs to request to speak with someone in a higher position and he needs to talk to his counselor because it’s a federal crime to do the favor and that being bribery can get him put in segregation. I would have to completely agree with him because I wouldn’t want to get fired or even sent to prison for helping give someone a break just to get a little respect from the prisoners and one bribe leads to blackmail and a lot more trouble. You are a deputy prosecutor and have to decide whether to charge a defendant with possession and sale of a  controlled substance. You know you have a good case because the guy sold to the local junior high school, and many of the kids are willing to testify. The police are pressuring you to make a deal because he has promised to inform on other dealers in the area if you don’t prosecute. What should you do? Ciara would lock him up because he was selling to kids not adults. And she wou ld tell cops to do their jobs, because if he could tell them the names of the other dealers then they work closely and she would just go down the chain. I agree with Ciara, but I think I would give him a deal but he would still have to do some time because they were kids but it would be less time and probation. But he still has to give me everyone he knows not just a few people. There is a well-known minor criminal in your district. Everyone is aware that he is engaging in a variety of crimes, including burglary, fencing, and drug dealing. However, you have been unable to make a case against him. Now he is the victim of a crime where he has been assaulted and robbed at gunpoint. How would you treat his case? Jennifer feels like he still deserves justice, whether the guy is a criminal or not and it may get him to change his ways. I agree with Jenni that he does deserve justice but I would still try to get him to talk about his criminal activity as well to find out why he was targeted because he may have robbed the other person before. You are asked to enforce a law that you believe to be wrong. For instance, you are supposed to protect a member of the Ku Klux Klan during a speech when your feelings are directly contrary to the views expressed by this individual, and you don’t believe that he should have the right to speak. What would you do? What would you do if you were told to deliberately perform your job in such a way as to ensure that the speaker will be injured by a hostile crowd? Avise would just leave she wouldn’t be forced to do something that goes against her beliefs. And with her being mixed she would not want to hear him talk bad about other races. I believe I would protect the person to the best of my ability whether I agree with them or not. It’s still my job and I would not care if I was told to let the person get hurt.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Supreme Essay Essay Example

Supreme Essay Essay Example Supreme Essay Paper Supreme Essay Paper Finding an appropriate company who can write a supreme essay is an uphill task that many students face on daily basis in their quest to get an outstanding essay. It important to recognize that there are millions of online essay writing companies who purport to be experienced in writing original and non-plagiarized custom essay. The truth of these allegations is that most of online research writing companies are owned by quacks who cannot even write an elementary essay. Most of them can’t even follow the instructions given by your lecturer, ending up uploading to you a substandard custom essay, full of mistakes and plagiarism. In order not to fall a prey in these companies, always scrutinize their terms and conditions page and ascertain whether they give you unlimited rights as you order with them. They should allow unlimited revisions and should give you the right of paper uploaded to you. In order to benefit from our supreme essays, fill the order form and wait for an authentic A+ custom paper. We are professionals with a wide range of experience in writing supreme essays that conform with all your instructions and paper requirements. Our customer support will be more than glad to make sure that writer has followed all your instructions and delivered your paper due to date. As well as our professional academic writers will provide with the paper written on the top level of writing.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Definition and Examples of Active Vocabulary

Definition and Examples of Active Vocabulary An active vocabulary is made up of the words readily used and clearly understood by an individual when speaking and writing. Contrast with passive vocabulary. Martin Manser notes that an active vocabulary consists  of the words that [people] use frequently and confidently. If someone asks them to make up a sentence containing such and such a word- and they can do it- then that word is part of their active vocabulary. In contrast, Manser says, a persons passive vocabulary consists of the words whose meanings they know- so that they do not have to look the words up in a dictionary- but which they would not necessarily use in ordinary conversation or writing   (The Penguin Writers Manual, 2004). Examples and Observations An active vocabulary covers all those words people need to use and have no reservations about using to communicate with others on an everyday basis. The range of peoples active vocabulary is a unique reflection of their sociocultural position and the range of discursive practices engaged in. In other words, it depends on the range of relations people contract as a part of everyday existence, over a lifetime. Except for people who frequently make contact with the specialist meaning systems of professions or of other special knowledge categories, most peoples active words are high frequency words in the language and need little stimulus to activate them in the mental lexicon. They are ready for use in incoming and outgoing messages, with no noticeable effort.(David Corson, Using English Words. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995)Developing an Active Vocabulary- When teachers tell you not to use the word get or to find a better adjective to replace nice, they are trying to encourage you to transfer words from your passive vocabulary into your active vocabulary.(Laurie Bauer, Vocabulary. Routledge, 1998)- As a writer, try to turn much of your recognition vocabulary into active vocabulary. In order to make the switch, you must be certain to observe the context, connotation, and denotation of every word you intend to transfer.(Adrienne Robins,  The Analytical Writer: A College Rhetoric. Collegiate Press, 1996)- Educationists believe that using vocabulary in communicative tasks is more beneficial to developing  active vocabulary  than requiring learners to memorize isolated words, or leaving them to their own devices.(Batia Laufer, Quantitative Evaluation of Vocabulary.  Experimenting with Uncertainty: Essays in Honour of Alan Davies,  ed. by C. Elder et al. Cambridge University Press, 2001)- While studies agree that knowledge of vocabulary is important for developing reading skills, they also show it is normally extensive reading that helps develop a wide voca bulary.(Irene Schwab and Nora Hughes, Language Variety. Teaching Adult Literacy: Principles and Practice, ed. by Nora Hughes and Irene Schwab. Open University Press, 2010) Graded Knowledge of WordsThe active vocabulary obviously consists of words that we know better than those that constitute our passive vocabulary. The same distinction holds for native speakers, who also actively use only a subset of the words they are familiar with. Another instance of graded knowledge of words is the fact that, even as native speakers, we often only know that we have heard or read a certain word before, but do not know what it means.(Ingo Plag, Word-Formation in English. Cambridge University. Press, 2003) Also see: LexiconVocabularyVocabulary Acquisition

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Organizational structure and design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Organizational structure and design - Essay Example Organizational structure refers to the division of labor and the methods of coordination, communication, work flow, and power-sharing that exist in an organization. It is the formal arrangement of jobs within an organization. An organizational structure reflects the organization's culture and power relationships. Organizational design is the process of creating and modifying organizational structures. Organizational structures are frequently used as tools for change. Structures establish new communication patterns and align employee behavior with the corporate vision. The two fundamental processes or ingredients in organizational structure:Coordination: When groups divide work among themselves, it is required to co-ordinate their efforts towards the same objectives. Coordination is achieved through various mechanisms like informal communication, formal hierarchy and standardization.Span of control refers to the number of employees who can be effectively and efficiently managed by a s upervisor. The span of control has an inverse relationship to the number of layers of hierarchy. The presence of informal communication and standardization can widen the span of control by reducing the need for direct supervision. A wider span of control is ideal when employees perform similar tasks or when the work teams are self-directed and possess specialized knowledge. It helps in reducing overhead costs and puts the top management in direct contact with the needs of the customers. Larger organizations that depend on hierarchy for coordination develop taller structures. 2) CentralizationCentralization is the concentration of decision-making activities around a particular location, generally the top management. In a small organization, the founder takes most of the decisions himself but as the organization grows, organizations tend to become decentralized and decision-making authority is spread throughout the organization. 3) Formalization Formalization is the degree to which jobs within an organization are standardized and the extent to which employee behaviour is guided by rules and procedures. A low degree of formalization means that there are fewer restrictions on how employees do their work. Formalization exists in old companies and large organizations, and is encouraged by external influences like government safety regulations and strict accounting practices. Formalization increases efficiency but may reduce organizational flexibility in case of a non-routine situation which requires customized action. Mechanistic and organic structures McDonald's has a mechanistic structure, which means that it has a rigid and tightly controlled structure, and is characterized by a narrow span of control and high degree of formalization and centralization, and hence all tasks are well defined and can only be altered with the permission of the top management. A company with an organic structure is highly flexible and adaptive, which is characterized by a wide span of control, decentralized decision making, little formalization and an open communication network. An organic organization has a fluid team-based structure, in which the tasks vary according to the needs of the situation. Thus, a mechanist structure is only suitable in stable environments with routine tasks. 4) Departmentalization Departmentalization, also called the organizational chart, specifies how employees and their activities are grouped together. Hence, it is the process of grouping activities into departments. Division of labour creates specialists who need coordination. This coordination is facilitated by departmentalization. There are five types of departmentalizati

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Taxation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 2

Taxation - Essay Example s taxation is replete with various complexities and disparities, while saving is discouraged in many ways, wherein simple interest-bearing accounts are meted out the harshest treatment, while the same time other types of savings are granted large-scale benefits for tax savings (Mirrlees, Adam, Besley, et al., 2012). This disparity and intricacy in tax treatment have led to the emergence of an industry that thrives on simply advising people on the nature of their savings allocation that is not based on the best form of underlying investments, but is more dependent on the form of tax treatment. In this context, the essay provides a brief review of the Mirrlees Review’s recommendation to provide a tax system with a neutral treatment of life-cycle savings for the vast majority of taxpayers. The Mirrlees Review aimed at addressing the challenge of designing a tax system that would enable the UK government to raise revenues necessary for achieving its distributional and spending objectives, while lowering its administrative and economic inefï ¬ ciencies and avoiding disparity in tax treatment across citizens and different types of economic activities. It main principle behind all its proposals was the framing of a progressive, neutral tax system, wherein the three words ‘progressive,’ ‘neutral,’ and ‘system’ form to be the important keywords that are suggestive of the main findings of the Review. Therefore, it can be suggested that first, policy makers must aim at designing a tax system that functions effectively as a ‘system.’ The way in which different taxes can be assembled together is important, as is a clarity regarding the role played by each tax within the system. Second, distribution plays a major role within the system of tax and beneï ¬ ts, similarly the trade-off between efficiency and redistribution is at the core of tax policy related debates. The redistribution ambit is ascertained by society’s choices and the system effect is based on