Sunday, May 3, 2020

Organizational Culture Creation of Management

Question: Discuss about the Organizational Culture for Creation of Management. Answer: Integrate learned knowledge to develop applications for the solution of business problems Concept of management: In the words of Koontz and ODonnell, management is the creation as well as the preservation of the internal atmosphere of an organization where the employees can efficiently perform together towards the realization of the goals of the organization. From the definition itself, it's clear that the management plays a major role in motivating and organizing his employees. The influence of top management on the attitude of the employees in any organization is, therefore, undeniable (Hu et al., 2012). The managers play a major role in increasing the positivity of the work culture. They shape and maneuver the work environment in such a way that it results in maximum profit for the organization. Research Questions: To arrive at a definite conclusion after conducting the research, the researcher needs to develop a few questions. These research questions will help in the efficient preparation of the research work. It would also assist the researcher in grasping the concept of management and the role played by the same in an organization. The following research questions can be posed keeping in mind the chosen scenario: What constitutes a healthy work environment in an organization? What role does the management play in creating harmony in the work culture? Two objectives of the research work: The three objectives of the research work are given below: To discuss the factors that contributes to the healthy work environment in an organization. To emphasize the role of management in improving the work culture in an organization. Literature searching and critique Ernst Kossek, E., Kalliath, T., Kalliath, P. (2012). Achieving employee wellbeing in a changing work environment: An expert commentary on current scholarship.International Journal of Manpower,33(7), 738-753. This article deals with the influence of changes in the work environment on the welfare of the employees. Positive changes lead to increased productivity in the work culture and vice versa. There is a definite link between the welfare of an employee and his or her productivity. Goetsch, D. L., Davis, S. B. (2014).Quality management for organizational excellence. Pearson. This article focuses on the fact that total quality regarding products, services and environments can be achieved through frequent improvement of the workforce and environment. Total quality can be accomplished by focusing on long-term goals, always driving towards customer satisfaction and empowering the employees to think. Watson, T. (2013).Management, organisation and employment strategy: New directions in theory and practice. Routledge. The article is about linking up ideas which are typically viewed as separate concepts. It serves to put into practice the ideas of theorists regarding work culture, management theories, staff behavior and the relation between organization and community. Alvesson, M., Sveningsson, S. (2015).Changing organizational culture: Cultural change work in progress. Routledge. This article talks about how positive change in an organizational culture addresses the organizational troubles. To bring about change in an organization the management needs to invest a requisite amount of time in it. Branch, S., Ramsay, S., Barker, M. (2013). Workplace bullying, mobbing and general harassment: A review.International Journal of Management Reviews,15(3), 280-299. The article traces the incidents of bullying and harassments in an organizational environment. The researchers try to elucidate the solutions that can be adopted to deal with this very common yet persistent problem. Analyze and examine quantitative methods used in business environment Quantitative questions: How far do you agree that organizational culture influences your behavior towards the organization? Options Response ( in % ) Total response No. of respondents Agree 10 1 10 Strongly agree 50 5 10 Neutral 20 2 10 Disagree 10 1 10 Strongly disagree 10 1 10 What, according to you, is the most significant change required for your organizational culture? Options Response ( in % ) Total response No. of respondents Involvement of the employees while taking decisions 10 1 10 Judicious distribution of workload 30 3 10 Regular inspection of employees to keep a check on harassment and bullying 40 4 10 Smooth communication between management and staff 10 1 10 Others 10 1 10 Analysis of the data collected: In the light of the data collected, it can be said that the work staff was inclined towards a change in the work culture. They also objected to the regular incidents of harassment and bullying. It received the highest percentage of responses (40%). They accepted that there should be even workload among the employees which will not lead to tensions among them. 30% of respondents agreed to it. Overview of qualitative methods and instrument design What policies have you adopted to change the current organizational culture? According to the 1st manager, supervisors were given the charge to inspect the employees regularly and punish those who were seen bullying others. According to 2nd manager, strict regulations have been imposed to punish the ill-mannered employees and reward those who comply with the rules. Data types and measurements Primary data: The primary data used in the research data include the questionnaires that were put to the employees, the interview of the managers and observation of the work environment (Grossberg, 2014). They bring to light the existing problems of unhappy staff due to instances of aggravation and maltreatment. Secondary data: The secondary data used in the research are the journals, websites, and ebooks on the topic of organizational culture. They give details about the role of management in maintaining the work culture. It also speaks of the positive link between productivity and work culture. LO 5a The research process overview/research design Any research work should be done on ethical lines (for ethical form, refer to Appendix 1). Research ethics refer to the ethics that should be followed while conducting any research work like the collection of data, methods for treatment and review of data and so on. The current research also takes into account ethics approval. LO 7a Sampling and sampling design Ten samples of data were collected for conducting the research work. The samples collected were valid for the objectives of the research work. The management and the work staff were represented equally in the data collection. Reliable sources of information were consulted to acquire information for the research. Proper sample design will help in the proper evaluation of the data. References: Grossberg, K. (2014). B2B marketing forum: insightful social media and CRM cases from leading firms. Strategy Leadership, 42(2). Hu, Q., Dinev, T., Hart, P., Cooke, D. (2012). Managing employee compliance with information security policies: The critical role of top management and organizational culture.Decision Sciences,43(4), 615-660.

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