Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Public Opinion of Police by Different Ethnic Groups Essay

Public Opinion of Police by Different Ethnic Groups XXXXXXXXX CJA 344 March 24, 2014 Benjamin Harm Public Opinion of Police by Different Ethnic Groups Introduction Cooperation from members of the public is important in order for police officers to effectively fight crime within the community. In order to obtain cooperation from members of the public, police officers must gain their trust and confidence. It has been known that African Americans and Hispanics have lower levels of trust and confidence in police because of racial disparities and racial profiling. This paper will discuss the public opinion of police by different ethnic groups and how racial minorities hold lower levels of trust and confidence in police.†¦show more content†¦Hispanics confidence in police was intermediate of Whites and Blacks (Tyler, 2005). Racial profiling has been a hot topic recently and has influenced citizen’s perceptions of police. Minorities that been stopped due to racial profiling are more willing to voice their dissatisfaction with the police. Minorities who have not been racially profiled but hear stories about racial profiling may be more skeptical of future experiences with police. Research has found that minorities tend to rate officer legitimacy in a more objective manor when stopped by a minority officer (Tyler, 2005). Minorities that are stopped by White officers tend to be more skeptical of the officer behavior (Tyler, 2005). African Americans are the most skeptical of police behavior and especially believeShow MoreRelatedEthnicity and the Police Part I1646 Words   |  7 Pagesand the Police Part I Cheryl Cooper March 24, 2014 University of Phoenix Ethnicity and the Police There are many views of how the criminal justice treats different ethnic groups. Some say that police are fair and they are just doing their jobs. 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